RxSideEffect.org: The effects of drugs vary depending upon the drug taken

To learn about side effects or safety concerns for your drug and how to deal with them, read either the drug label or the drug's package insert. You may also want to speak with your pharmacist or healthcare provider.

All medicines have benefits and risks. The risks of medicines are the chances that something unwanted or unexpected could happen to you when you use them. Risks could be less serious things, such as an upset stomach, or more serious things, such as liver damage. Feeling tired, worn down, or simply having no energy is a common side effect of some medications. Feelings of low energy may be alleviated by the introduction of a general multivitamin or vitamin B-complex supplement. For example, antibiotics such as those in the penicillin families cause allergic reactions in around five per cent of the population. Skin rashes are a common reaction. However, whether a reaction is caused by the medicine or the illness that it is used to treat is sometimes difficult to tell. A further complication is the interaction of any other medicines, including complementary medicines, which the person may be taking. It is important for physicians to be aware of side effects from real world experience as well as information supplied by drug companies.

Unwanted side effects can be caused by all kinds of medicines, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, complementary medicines including herbal preparations, vitamins, and some products dispensed by naturopaths and other practitioners of complementary medicine. Death can also occur in severe cases. It is in your best interests to manage your medicines wisely. See your doctor or pharmacist for further information and advice. Note any side effects and consult your doctor if you have any concerns. The dose or type of medicine may need to be adjusted. If you are sensitive to a particular medicine, and a substitute is not available, your doctor may suggest desensitisation therapy. Side effects can vary by the age of the patient, with preschoolers often having stronger side effects. Many side effects settle down in a couple of weeks, or with a reduction in dose or change in timing. In fact, some are dose-dependent.