RxSideEffect.org: The effects of drugs vary depending upon the drug taken

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Prescription drugs can save lives, but they can also come with unwanted side effects. These unwanted effects are often mild, but sometimes they as well as adverse reactions are more serious and can have a major impact on health or quality of life. Most of modern medications are very well tolerated and only rarely cause serious side effects. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry. Anti-inflammatories differ in how commonly they cause particular side effects. Medications are prescribed for a specific purpose, and anything else the drug does is a side effect. Some possible side effects are mild, like a slight headache. Others, like liver damage, can be severe and, in rare cases, fatal. Some go on for just a few days or weeks, but others might continue as long as you take a medication, or even after you stop. Some occur within days or weeks of starting a drug. Others may only show up after months or years of therapy.

All kinds of medications, from those that are considered as all natural to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, carry some sort of aftereffect. Possibly the most common side effects of any prescription drug are gastrointestinal issues, including nausea, constipation and diarrhea, because most drugs go through the digestive system to be absorbed. Other common aftereffects include drowsiness, pain and skin reactions. Some characteristics and pre-existing conditions are known to increase the risk from certain side effects and can also lead to adverse reactions. Doctors should assess these factors before advising patients on which drugs to choose. Regardless of the drug, the most common side effects are nausea and vomiting, allergic reactions, drowsiness, insomnia, heart problems (such as heart palpitations) and dependence. Often, there's something that you can do to help lessen the possibility of unwanted side effects. Some medications can make you feel nauseated if you take them on an empty stomach, for example, so it's a pretty simple fix to eat something. The higher the dose, the more pronounced these side effects typically become.


#1 Generic

Viagra soft tabs is a tab version of Viagra. Sildenafil citrate, used to treat male impotence also known as erectile dysfunction, quickly dissolves into the bloodstream. For an original Viagra takes effects 30 - 60 minutes, while Sildenafil in Viagra soft tabs start working in 15 - 20 minutes.

#2 Lasix

Lasix is a potent diuretic which blocks the absorption of salt and fluid in the kidney tubules. Edema may be most efficiently and safely mobilized by giving dosage of Lasix. When a patient needs to shed water, it is very difficult to find something like Lasix that works better.

#3 Topamax

Topamax is a medication prescribed for bad headaches and also for controlling seizures and reviewers have had a good deal of success in both areas of treatment. Topamax relieves headaches with relative ease and reviewers say that it helps to eliminate headaches regardless of cause.

#4 Inderal

Inderal is a drug used for fighting against high blood pressure and angina pectoris. Inderal is mainly prescribed for the treatment of chest pains or angina, migraine, irregular heartbeats and tremor. Inderal is able to reduce hypertension and the risk of heart attacks.

#5 Amoxil

Amoxicillin is derived from the penicillin nucleus. The antibacterial activity of amoxicillin is similar to that of other penicillins via inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis. It is effective in treating upper and lower respiratory tract infections caused by bacteria.

Once a drug is on the market, its manufacturer must inform physicians and consumers of every possible side effect. The information on side effects of a newly released medication is often based on clinical trials involving a few hundred people. An older drug is likely to have been used by hundreds of thousands of people. Some people may body processes drugs more slowly than normal, and could have higher drug levels in their systems and have increased risk of ore side effects. Each drug will cause more side effects for some people than others. So no one can tell you exactly what will happen to you. Some side effects become worse if the drug is taken on an empty stomach. Others may increase if the drug is taken with fatty food or drink such as whole milk. When you take a drug, it is distributed throughout your body, to all your organs and tissues. The drug may do different things in those different organs.

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